Hirschvogel Buys Shares of Joint Venture Partner in Poland

Hirschvogel Buys Shares of Joint Venture Partner in Poland

Since the end of 2009, Hirschvogel Holding GmbH has been holding 66% of the shares of Hirschvogel Kotani Poland Sp. z o.o., a joint venture with the Japanese automotive supplier Kotani Corporation.

Some months ago Hirschvogel got the opportunity to acquire the 34 % of the shares held up to now by Kotani Corporation. On August 26th the contract closing for the acquisition of the shares took place in Poland.

The Hirschvogel plant in Poland is located in an industrial area in Gliwice, approx. 100 km west of Krakow and produces hot and cold forged parts for the automotive industry. This is an integral part of the forward-thinking globalization strategy of the Hirschvogel Automotive Group.

The name of the fully owned subsidiary will be Hirschvogel Components Poland Sp. z o.o.